KFM.FG Capsules on the basis of hydrophilic PVDF membrane are used for preliminary, fine, polishing and sterilizing filtration of liquid media in various industries from mechanical impurities and microorganisms with the size above or equal 0.2, 0.45, 0.65 μm.
Main applications
In medicine and biopharmaceutics
- Fine and sterilizing filtration of small volumes of parenteral preparations (LVP) with high or low pH.
- Polishing and sterilization of small volumes of water based, pharmaceutical and biological solutions, containing a large number of colloidal particles.
- Filtration of buffer media.
- Filtration of galenic preparations.
- Filtration of process water (washing machines, filtration at points of consumption, non-pyrogenic water for injection, laboratory water purification, recycling water).
In beverage industry
- Finish filtration in production of small lots of beverages.
- Ingredients filtration.
- Experiments when choosing the optimal filtration schemes, for example in case of colored alcoholic beverages filtration.
Other industries for fine purification of liquid media from particles with size of 0.2 µm or more.
Capsule material
Membrane |
Hydrophilic PVDF |
Draining layer |
Polypropylene |
Capsule body, inner and outer bodies, tip covers, fittings |
Polypropylene |
KFM.FG main combinations of pore sizes
Single layer filter |
Double layer filter |
Pore size, μm |
Ordering code |
Pore size, μm |
Ordering code |
0,45 |
045 |
0,20+0,20 |
020/020 |
0,65 |
065 |
0,45+0,25 |
045/025 |
0,65+0,45 |
065/045 |
Operational parameters
Mean membrane pore size, μm |
0,20 |
0,45 |
0,65 |
Minimal bubble point, MPa |
0,22 |
0,11 |
0,08 |
Initial water flow rates (for distilled water) at t=20°С, Р=0,05 МPа for filter cartridge 60 mm height, dm3/h |
250 |
450 |
650 |
Maximal operational pressure, MPa |
0,4 |
Maximal differential pressure for capsules, MPa |
0,4 at 20°С; 0,1 at 60°С |
Recomended operational temperature, °C |
0-40 |
Maximal operational temperature, °C |
60 |
Effective filter area for filter cartridge 60 mm height (single layer/double layer), m2 |
0,2-single layer, 0,175-double layer |
Recommended change-out differential pressure, MPA (bar) |
0,24 (2,4) |
Number of sterilization cycles (autoclaving) at P=0,1 MPa and t=126 ±1°C for 45 min., at least |
10 |
Sanitization and sterilization
Sterilization of Capsules is performed by autoclaving at temperature 121°С for 45 minutes after attainment of set-point temperature.
KFM.FG Capsules are able to withstand at least 5 sterilization cycles by autoclaving at P = 0,1 MPa and t=126 ± 1°С. Note! It is prohibited to sterilize Capsule filters by steam-in-line!
KFM.FG Capsules withstand chemical sterilization with 3% of hydrogen peroxide solution or 10% chloramine solution and hot water flushing up to 80°С. The possibility of flushing and repeated autoclaving allows reuse of Capsule filter till the end of its life time.
KFM.FG Capsules are compatible with wide variety of chemical substances.
For detailed instructions on operation Capsules please contact technical specialists of Technofilter RME.
Nominal dimensions
Height (H), mm |
Diameter (D), mm |
Filter surface area (S), m2 |
1000 (40") |
88 |
3.2 |
750 (30") |
88 |
2.4 |
500 (20") |
88 |
1.6 |
250 (10") |
88 |
0.8 |
125 (5") |
88 |
0.4 |
60 (2,5") |
88 |
0.2 |
Quality and Certitication
All membrane filter elements used for production of KFM.FG Capsules are subjected to wash out from organic and mechanical impurities with high-purity water and to 100% integrity control.
KFM.FG Capsules are added to the Register of Medical Devices of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation.
The Capsules are certified for use in Medical Industry and Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, they are authorized to use in Food industry. Safety of filter elements is determined by a series of sanitary and chemical tests, and toxicology tests in compliance with GOST R ISO 10993.1-99, GOST R ISO 10993.5-99, GOST R ISO 10993.10-00.
KFM.FG Capsule ordering information
065 |
K |
125 |
Grade |
Micron rating |
Connection type |
Capsule height |
020 = 0,2 μm |
K – sanitary clamp P – thread cone-shaped |
60 = 60 mm (2,5") |