Achievements and facts

Awards and diplomas 2024

Gratitude Union of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.
Certificate of honor from the District Administration, 2024.
Certificate of honor from the Administration of Vladimir, 2024.
Order of the Administration of Vladimir on awarding Tarasov A.V. 2024.
Certificate of Technofilter Member of the Union of Producers of Beer and Non-Alcoholic Products.
letter of thanks from the Selsky Charitable Foundation to the director of Technofilter Tarasov A.V. for participating in the Warm House project.
letter of thanks from the Pokrov, January 2024.
Letter of thanks to the MBUDO "Lakinsky Children's
Art School.", 2024.
Certificate of the Union of the "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vladimir Region" on entry into the Register of reliable partners.
Diploma of a BeviTech2024, Moscow.
Letter of thanks to the Children's Shelter «Pokrov» March 2024, Moscow.
25th Anniversary Exhibition Vinorus-Vinotech, 2024, Krasnodar.
Member certificate.
"X St. Petersburg Forum of Brewers-2024,"
St. Petersburg.
Children's Defense Fund Letter of thanks, June 2024.
Diploma of the participant of the XXXIII International Forum "BEER-2024," Sochi.
Competition "Exporter of the Year of the Vladimir Region-2023." "Technofilter" is the winner in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination.
Competition of the National Prize in the field of entrepreneurial activity "Golden Mercury", 2024.
Technofilter is the winner of the Golden Mercury national business award, 2024.
Certificate of participation in tasting training Sereda E. Czech Brewing Academy, 2024.
Certificate of participation in tasting training Türnikov R. Academy of Czech Brewing, 2024
Certificate of participant of the IV Scientific Conference of Brewers of Russia and Neighboring Countries Volga beer Pro 2024, Sereda E.
Certificate of participant of the IV Scientific Conference of Brewers of Russia and Neighboring Countries Volga beer Pro 2024, R. Tyurnikov.
Certificate of participant of the IV Scientific Conference of Brewers of Russia and Neighboring Countries Volga beer Pro 2024 Manufacturer and developer of filter elements  Technofilter for its contribution to the development of the brewing industry of the Samara region.
Certificate. Conference on practical brewing and exchange of experience "REALBREW 2024",  St. Petersburg.
Certificate to Roman Tyurnikov, speaker of the conference on practical brewing and exchange of experience "REALBREW 2024",  
St. Petersburg.
Certificate of participant of the 26th International Exhibition "Pharmtech & Ingredients 2024",  Moscow.
letter of thanks to the team of Technofilter
for their contribution to the regional economy,
high production achievements and fruitful work.
Vladimir, 2024.
State Treasury Institution
of the Vladimir Region
"Department of Social
Protection of the Population
in the City of Vladimir,"
Letter of Thanks, 2024.
Sponsor diploma Leader 2024, Moscow.

Awards and diplomas 2023

Letter of thanks to the MBUDO "Lakinsky Children's Art School". Lakinsk, 2023.
Certificate of the benefactor of ROOI "Rusichi-Center," Moscow, 2023.
Technofilter received a Certificate from the Union of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vladimir Region on inclusion in the Register of Reliable Partners.
"BeviTec" - International exhibition of equipment, ingredients and packaging for the production of beverages.
Moscow, 2023.
Member certificate. "FoodTech 2023" - exhibition of equipment, materials and ingredients for the production of food and drinks,
Member certificate. "IX Petersburg Brewers Forum - 2023",
St. Petersburg.
28th International Exhibition "Healthcare" - "Kihe 2023." Kazakhstan, Almaty.
Letter of thanks for providing charitable assistance to veterans and participants in the Great Patriotic War.
XXXII International forum
"Beer-2023" (Sochi).
Letter of thanks,
Pokrov, 2023.
Gratitude to the RDF SBI,
Vladimir, May 2023.
Sponsor Certificate,
Suzdal, 2023.
Certificate of the scientific conference participant
"Development of enterprises of the brewing industry-2023".
Gratitude to SBI RDF, Vladimir,
July 2023.

Awards and diplomas 2022

Technofilter received a Certificate from the Union of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vladimir Region on the entry into the non-state Register of Russian legal entities, the financial and economic situation of which indicates their reliability as partners for entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Technofilter took part in the VIII St. Petersburg Brewers Forum in 2022.
Certificate of entry into the Association "Rosmedprom," 2022.
All-Russian Prize in the field of international cooperation and export in 2021.
Competition "Exporter of the Year of the Vladimir Region."
Technofilter won first place in the nomination "Exporter of the Year in the Field of High Technologies."
Diplom for strengthening the production sector of small businesses and contribution to the socio-economic development of the city.
Business Award "Selection of Clients and Partners 2022."
"Technofilter" is included in the register of Effective and Socially Significant Enterprises of the Region,
The status is also set to Select Customers and Partners.
REAL BREW 2022 Member Certificate received Technofilter for conferences on practical brewing and exchange of experience.
Technofilter at the exhibition "Pharmtech & Ingredients-2022 in Moscow.
Federal Register All-Russian Book of Honor Certificate of 2022, Moscow.
Letter of thanks to the VROO Support
for the Moral and Psychological
State of the Population "DARI DOBRO".
2022, Vladimir.

Awards and diplomas 2021

Reliable partners register
International exhibition "BevialeMoscow - 2021" (Moscow)
Enterprise of the Year of Russia.
Received National Certificate.
The title “The Enterprise of the Year 2020” for high reputation was awarded.
XXX International forum "Beer-2021" (Sochi)
Representatives of business structures who supported the population of the Vladimir region during the pandemic were awarded at the Center for the Provision of Services "My Business,"
Technofilter was also awarded and took part in the event.
The results of cooperation during the period of coronavirus infection, business organizations and the Open Hearts Charitable Foundation were summed up.
Association "Water-Medicine-Ecology" for many years of fruitful activity for the benefit of public health and environmental hygiene.
Technofilter took part in the 6th Southern Brewers Forum,
Krasnodar, which was held from September 28-30, 2021
at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel.
Technofilter at the 24th International Exhibition "Chemistry-2021" in Moscow.
Technofilter at the exhibition "Pharmtech & Ingredients-2021 in Moscow.
International exhibition "Horeca Siberia - 2021",  Novosibirsk.
Technofilter-Winner of the All-Russian contest "100 Best Goods of Russia" in 2021 - Capsule filter elements.
Technofilter - DIPLOMANT of the All-Russian competition "100 Best Goods of Russia" in the nomination "Production and Technical Products." Best product - Capsule filter elements.

Awards and diplomas 2020

VI St. Petersburg forum of Brewers (St. Petersburg)
Reliable partners register
XXIII International exhibition "KHIMIA-2020" (Moscow)
XXII International exhibition "Pharmtech"-2020 (Moscow)
The international forum 'Beer 2020' (Sochi)

Awards and diplomas 2019

International exhibition "Horeca Siberia - 2019" (Novosibirsk)
XXVIII International forum "Beer - 2019" (Sochi)
22nd International exhibition "Chemistry" -2019 (Moscow)
National certificate Industry Leader 2019
National certificate Businessman of the year 2019
21st International exhibition "Pharmtech" -2019 (Moscow)
VI Conference of Volga region Brewers "Volga-BEER 2019"
Quality star 2019
Letter of acknowledgment from the President of the Russian Federation
International exhibition "BevialeMoscow - 2019" (Moscow)
4th Southern Brewers forum (Moscow)

Awards and diplomas 2018

International exhibition "FoodService Siberia - 2018" (Novosibirsk)
XXVII International forum "Beer-2018" (Sochi)
International exhibition “Crimean vine. Winemaking. Prodmash "(Simferopol)
Reliable partners register
100 best enterprises of Russia
International exhibition "Chemistry - 2018" (Moscow)
International exhibition "Pharmtech - 2018" (Moscow)

Awards and diplomas 2017

Prize -winner  II degree in the category Best exporter of the year in the chemical industry
Honorary Member of  the Union of Russian Machine Builders
100 best enterprises of Russia
International exhibition "Chemistry - 2017" (Moscow)
International exhibition "Pharmtech - 2017" (Moscow)
International exhibition "BEER - 2017" (Sochi)
International exhibition «Foodtech - 2017» (Krasnodar)
1st degree prize-winner diploma in the nomination chemical industry
Reliable partners register