"Technofilter" at the V Anniversary All-Russian Symposium of Winemakers, Novorossiysk.

"Technofilter" at the V Anniversary All-Russian Symposium of Winemakers, Novorossiysk.
"Technofilter" at the V Anniversary All-Russian Symposium of Winemakers, Novorossiysk.
From May 30 to May 31, the V Anniversary All-Russian Symposium of Winemakers was held in Novorossiysk (congress hall of the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel).

It was attended by Russian winemakers, representatives of science in the field of winemaking and viticulture, suppliers of technologies and equipment for the industry. During the two-day event, seminars and tastings of Russian wines were held.

Leading Technofilter specialists in the field of filtration of wines and drinks held meetings and consultations within the framework of the symposium with specialists in the wine industry.
V Всероссийский Симпозиум Виноделов, фото.jpg