Technofilter at the exhibition "Crimean Vine. Winemaking. Prodmash."


We thank our colleagues and partners for visiting our company's booth at the International exhibition "Crimean Vine. Winemaking. Prodmash", which was held from 14th to 16 th of June, 2018, in the largest exhibition center in Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea.

The main applications of products and technologies of NPP "Technofilter" in winemaking:

  • sterilization filtration of wines in conditions of cold-sterile bottling
  • removal of residual opalescence under conditions of "hot" bottling
  • fine filtration of washing waters and detergent solutions
  • sterilizing filtration of air, carbon dioxide, "breathing tanks"

We were glad to discuss the prospects for cooperation!